Get In My Belly, Craftsies, Musings, Fasionistas, Fluffy Butt

Friday, June 14, 2013

Will It Work? Hanging Baskets Lined With Magazine Pages

And now it's time for another episode of "Will It Work?"!

These episodes usually revolve around newly dating couples. Yukyukyuk. Only kidding!  I've never had any episodes.

Today, I decided to finally transplant my peppers into a larger pot.  Yes.  Yes, I do procrastinate.  Our growing season it pretty short here, but even to Colorado standards... I'm pretty behind.

I have two hanging baskets that I've used for peppers in the past.  The only thing that has stopped me from putting them to use was the fact that I needed some sort of liner in the hanging basket before putting any dirt in. Remember me telling you that I hate buying things?  Right.  Still do.  However, I knew I had to get these poor pepper plants out of their plastic growing pots, so I needed to think of something... or just buy the liner.

Enter ingenuity!!!
I tore up old magazine pages and lined the basket with them, then plopped all my dirt in along with my pepper plant.  Will it work?  I'm not sure.  Magazine pages are going to hold up better than newspaper, but I'm not sure how long they will hold up.  I've already watered it once, plus it rained a little bit (put out that fire, rain!) and the magazines are holding well... so far.

I'm still a little skeptical of my replacement liner.  I'm half expecting to come outside in a few days and my pepper plant roots will be hanging out of the bottom of the basket.  Yet still, I will not buy a liner.  I can't even explain my thinking to you.

So, will it work?!  We will see...  


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